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i started my real estate career

in my last semester of studies in NUS in 2017 and I have not looked back ever since. I wanted a career where I can make decisions independently and achieve work-life balance. I am a single child and I recognize that a day job in an MNC will not help me pay the escalating healthcare bills when my parents become more vulnerable. Every moment with my family and friends is precious to me and I want to be able to manage my work and social life efficiently.

Initially, I was intimidated by sales and the idea of no fixed salary terrified me. However, I was fortunate to have the right guidance to thrive in this exciting environment. I wouldn’t trade this career with a 9am-6pm job now.


Through my experience, I have uncovered 3 'Trade Secrets' to achieve consistent income while spending quality time with my loved ones and pursuing my interests (ie traveling, photography, dance, languages). I am currently looking for business partners to work together to scale new heights together. With the right mentorship, sales is not a difficult skill to master.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. I want to find like-minded individuals to win together!”

Let’s meet up for a cuppa coffee if you are interested to explore a career in the real estate industry!