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Consultancy Services



Wealth Creation

This is targeted at individuals/couples who are looking to start their real estate journey. Be it purchasing a resale HDB or a new launch condo as your first property, I would go through with you the Wealth Creation Toolkit to determine what we should purchase to fulfill your real estate goals.



Retirement Planning

Whether it is to cash out your profits or to downsize to a smaller apartment, this is a critical step to maximize your gains from your current property. Through my Retirement Planning Manual, I can advise when would be the best time to lock in your returns to better prepare for retirement.

Selling & Buying

Asset Progression (Upgrading)

After owning your property for a few years, it is time to upgrade in terms of size and lifestyle. Using the Asset Progression Checklist principles, I advise my clients to focus on what they should purchase for the next property. Also, I would work out the timeline to ensure a smooth transition for the family.

Rental & selling

Portfolio Management

You (and your spouse) own at least 2 properties. Now, you need to find a tenant for your investment property. On average, I secure the right tenant profile within a month for my clients and they are all very happy with the result! 

By managing all the properties owned by my clients, I can efficiently secure tenants and help them sell and buy another property with greater investment potential!